
Halli Galli Twist


Board Game Geek
  • จำนวนผู้เล่น: 2-4 คน
  • อายุ: 7+
  • เวลาที่ใช้เล่น: 15 นาที

สั่งซื้อผ่าน LINE
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ข้อมูลเกม Halli Galli Twist

Halli Galli Twist is played similar to Halli Galli, but with more possibilities for matches during play. To start, divide the deck evenly among all players. Take turns revealing a card face up in front of you, covering whichever card you revealed previously. Cards feature candles, magic hats, potions, or chameleons in different numbers and colors, and if five symbols of the same color or type are ever visible on all the face-up cards, race to hit the bell in the center of the table. Whoever hits the bell first claims all revealed cards, placing them under their deck. If you hit the bell incorrectly, you pay the other players one card each. When you run out of cards, you're out. When two players are left, they play until the bell is struck once more, then the game ends and the taller deck wins.

วิธีเล่นบอร์ดเกม Halli Galli Twist